Having trouble printing Excel and PDF? Here is the solution How to reset the default printer in Windows 10

HomeOther ContentHaving trouble printing Excel and PDF? Here is the solution How to reset the default printer in Windows 10
Having trouble printing Excel and PDF? Here is the solution How to reset the default printer in Windows 10
Having trouble printing Excel and PDF? Here is the solution How to reset the default printer in Windows 10
Hi guys! In this video, I will teach you how to fix a printing problem in which your computer can print Microsoft Word documents but not MS Excel and PDF.

How to Reset the Default Printer in Windows 10

We will use Windows Registry Editor to reset our default printer in Windows 10, so please proceed with caution.

Here is the Windows Registry path you need to navigate to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER 》Software 》Microsoft 》Windows NT 》Current version 》Windows

And here is the registry entry for /"Device/": winspool,Ne00:

#defaultprinter #cannotprintpdf #cannotprintexcel

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