How do I sync Anki on my computer and mobile phone?

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How do I sync Anki on my computer and mobile phone?
How do I sync Anki on my computer and mobile phone?
2 learners (Nauf and Michele) from our Speakada community asked the question: How can I sync Anki on my computer and my mobile phone?… Contact us at if you have any questions. Other questions or issues regarding Anki, our Speakada decks, or language learning.

Watch the VIDEO for the answer and you can read the written instructions below.

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How do I sync Anki on my computer and mobile phone?
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You can sync Anki flashcards across devices, which can be a huge advantage for you as you will have continuous access to your language learning materials. This means you can easily review and learn languages seamlessly between your computer and your mobile phone, or even a tablet.

First of all, you need to install the official Anki software or app on your computer and mobile phone. Go to the official Anki website to get the official Anki for your devices:

Once Anki is running on your computer and you have the official Anki app on your mobile phone, you now need to sync your account and data between them.

You need a free AnkiWeb account to do this. This will help you sync all your data across different devices.

Here are the steps:

1. Go to the official Anki website:
2. Click AnkiWeb at the top right.
3. Click the register button and follow all the steps to create an AnkiWeb account.
4. Next, open Anki on your computer. Next, go to the menu at the top and select Tools, then Preferences, then Network.
5. Log in to your AnkiWeb account using the Anki software on your computer.
6. You will be asked to sync your data, which you can do. Since your active data is on your computer, then you need to UPLOAD the data from your computer to AnkiWeb.
7. Once your Anki desktop and AnkWeb are synced, you can now also sync your Anki mobile app with AnkiWeb. Go to the official Anki app on your mobile phone, go to settings and log in to your AnkiWeb account using the Anki app on your phone.
8. When Anki on your phone prompts you about syncing, select DOWNLOAD, so Anki on your phone can download the data and flashcards from AnkiWeb.
9. Your data is now synced to Anki (on desktop), AnkiWeb (in the cloud) and Anki (on mobile). Every time you start or end your studies on one of these devices, be sure to click the SYNC button so that your data is always correctly in sync with each other.


I hope this helps, and good luck with your language learning with Anki!
The Speakada team

PS If you want to improve your language learning with Anki even further, here's how we can help:

1. Ask your own questions or share your concerns about Anki, our Speakada decks, or language learning. Just send us an email at, I will help you personally.
2. Check out our free Anki tips and language learning guides on our Speakada blog:
3. Get one of our pre-made Anki decks or packs for language learning here:

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