How smartphones are changing the way you think Jeff Butler TEDxHilliard

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How smartphones are changing the way you think Jeff Butler TEDxHilliard
How smartphones are changing the way you think Jeff Butler TEDxHilliard
Have you ever wondered why it's so hard to put your phone down? Smartphones have hidden psychological effects on our brain. Studies show that smartphone users develop serious problems, such as real addictions, and lose the ability to concentrate. Mobile technology isn't going anywhere, so we need to be aware of these effects in order to use technology better, instead of letting it use us.

Jeff Butler holds a bachelor's degree in computer science from the University of California, Berkeley and has studied psychology for almost a decade. After working as a software engineer, Jeff focused on his true passion: psychology. He has since started several businesses, and his most recent venture, Tek Life Mastery, helps professionals overcome technological distractions to get more done in less time. He speaks at various clubs, colleges and companies on technological distraction.

Besides working on his businesses, his main goal in life is to show people how to live a more fulfilling life, whether that's helping them find their purpose in life or inspiring them to new levels of success.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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