How to Avoid Buying Counterfeit or Counterfeit Products on Amazon From an Amazon Seller

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How to Avoid Buying Counterfeit or Counterfeit Products on Amazon From an Amazon Seller
How to Avoid Buying Counterfeit or Counterfeit Products on Amazon From an Amazon Seller
#amazon #avoid fake products #buying tips
Have you ever bought something on Amazon and something seems… weird? Well, I actually purchased brand name skin and hair care products from Amazon that turned out to be FAKE! And I only realized this after actually using it!

I'm the founder of Glowie Co, America's ultimate Asian beauty destination, and we sell some of our products on Amazon. As a long-time Amazon buyer and now seller, I have some tips for you to avoid purchasing fake and counterfeit brand name items on Amazon. These tips apply not just to skincare, but to ALL brand name items on Amazon.

I hope you learned something new and let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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