How to Backup iPhone or iPad to Computer Using iTunes

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How to Backup iPhone or iPad to Computer Using iTunes
How to Backup iPhone or iPad to Computer Using iTunes
This video shows you how to back up your Apple iPhone or iPad to a computer using iTunes.

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Video transcription:
Hi. My name is Max Dalton and in this video I'm going to show you how to back up your iPhone or iPad to a computer using iTunes.

Although backing up your Apple iPhone or iPad using iCloud is the most convenient option, it will cost you a few dollars per month to have access to enough storage space to fully back up your device. If paying the bill for iCloud space isn't appealing, you can always create a free backup of your device using iTunes that is stored on your local computer. No matter which way you back up your device, you should always back up your device regularly so that you have a recent copy that you can return to in an emergency.

And now, the steps to back up your iPhone or iPad to your computer using iTunes.

Step 1. Connect the iPhone or iPad you want to backup to your computer using iTunes, and then launch iTunes on this computer. iTunes will open to a screen displaying the contents of your library.

Step 2. Click the icon that resembles the silhouette of an iPhone or iPad directly below the menu options in the upper left corner of the app. An information screen appears associated with your iPhone or iPad.

Step 3. Select "Summary" under Settings on the left side of the screen if it is not already selected.

Step 4. Click to select "This Computer" under Auto Backup in the Backups section on the right side of the screen.

Step 5. Click "Back Up Now" under Backup and Restore Manually. A message appears at the top of the iTunes window informing you that your device is backing up. A progress bar will eventually appear below the message, indicating the progress of the backup. The time it takes to back up your iPhone or iPad to your computer depends on the amount of information you are backing up and also whether there are other processes running on your computer. You will still be able to use your device while backing up, but you will notice two arrows moving in a circle shape in the upper left corner of the device screen while backing up.

Step 6. The backup is complete when the progress bar at the top of the iTunes window disappears. Additionally, you will see that the last backup time displayed in the Backups section reflects the current time, or very close to it.

Step 7. Click the /"Eject/" icon to the right of your device name that appears in the upper left corner of the iTunes application window. You can now safely disconnect your device from your computer.

Congratulations! You can now back up your iPhone or iPad to your computer using iTunes.

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