How to Change a Printer Name in Windows 11 Using PowerShell GearUpWindows Tutorial

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How to Change a Printer Name in Windows 11 Using PowerShell GearUpWindows Tutorial
How to Change a Printer Name in Windows 11 Using PowerShell GearUpWindows Tutorial
Title: /"Easy Tutorial: Change Printer Name in Windows 11 with PowerShell GearUpWindows/"

Welcome to GearUpWindows! In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of renaming a printer in Windows 11 using PowerShell. Whether you're streamlining your printer management or simply customizing your device, this step-by-step guide will help you get your job done effortlessly.

In today's digital age, PowerShell offers a powerful toolset for system administration, and we'll leverage its capabilities to rename your printer quickly and efficiently.

Here's what you'll learn:
– Introduction to PowerShell and its role in printer management.
– Step-by-step instructions to access PowerShell on Windows 11.
– Run the necessary PowerShell commands to change the name of your printer.
– Best practices and tips to resolve any issues along the way.

By the end of this tutorial, you will be confident in your ability to navigate PowerShell and make the desired changes to your printer name, all in the Windows 11 environment.

Don't forget to like, share and subscribe for more tutorials and tech tips from GearUpWindows. Let’s dive in and optimize your printing experience on Windows 11 together!


Rename-Printer -Name /"CURRENT-PRINTER-NAME/" -NewName /"NEW-PRINTER-NAME/"

#Windows11 #PowerShell #PrinterManagement #TechTutorial #GearUpWindows #WindowsTips #PrinterNameChange #SystemAdministration #TechHowTo #WindowsTricks

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