How to Convert Video to Audio on iPhone

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How to Convert Video to Audio on iPhone
How to Convert Video to Audio on iPhone
If you want to convert video to audio on iPhone, you have several options.

I will share with you the simplest option in this video to convert video to audio which does not require any new applications.

1. Open the Shortcuts app on your iPhone. If you deleted it, go to the App Store, search for /"Shortcuts/" and download it.

2. Create a new shortcut by tapping the plus sign at the top of the page.

3. Name the shortcut /"Video to Audio./"

4. Tap the info icon and choose "Show in Share Sheet."

5. Click the first text after /"Receive/", delete it and choose /"Media/" before pressing /"Done./"

6. Add a new action by tapping /"Add action./" Search for /"Encode/" and add it.

7. Click the arrow to expand the /"Shortcut entry/" section. Enable /"Audio only/" and choose /"AIFF/" for the audio format.

8. Find another action, /"Save/" and add it. Then tap /"Done/" to exit the Shortcuts app.

9. Locate the video you want to convert in your photo library and tap "Share."

10. Select the /"Video to Audio/" option in the share sheet.

When prompted to choose a save location, select /"Desktop." This location is searchable on iPhone.

Open the Files app and you will find the newly converted audio file.

By following these steps, you can easily convert video to audio on your iPhone.

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