How to copy apps and files to a new Windows 11 computer

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How to copy apps and files to a new Windows 11 computer
How to copy apps and files to a new Windows 11 computer

Got a new Windows 11 computer? Need to transfer your apps, settings, profiles, accounts, passwords, customizations, favorites, bookmarks, photos, documents and all files from one computer to another?

You can now do this automatically, using Zinstall, for easy transfer to Windows 11 on a new computer.

Nothing is lost in the transfer (and nothing is changed on the old computer).

You don't need any special cables for this – it just uses your existing connections, automatically.

It transfers everything, not just your files. You also get your programs. Word with your documents, Outlook with your emails and contacts, iTunes with music, Tax software with reports – just like on your old computer.

You can transfer from any Windows to any Windows, such as Windows 10 to another 11, 7 to 11 or any other combination.

Make your transfer today!

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