How to Count Cells in Microsoft Excel (COUNT, COUNTA, COUNTIF, COUNTIFS Functions) – Excel Tips and Tricks

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How to Count Cells in Microsoft Excel (COUNT, COUNTA, COUNTIF, COUNTIFS Functions) - Excel Tips and Tricks
How to Count Cells in Microsoft Excel (COUNT, COUNTA, COUNTIF, COUNTIFS Functions) – Excel Tips and Tricks
Learn how to count cells in Microsoft Excel (COUNT, COUNTA, COUNTIF, COUNTIFS functions).

Learn 5 ways to count cells in a data range in Excel. I will explore how can I count cells by text in Excel and explain what is the formula for counting cells?
We will see how to count cells with specific text, count cells with text or numbers, count cells with numbers, and count the number of cells in the range.
We will also visit the countifs function in Excel, how to count specific names in Excel and the countif formula.

In Excel, there are several ways to count cells:

COUNT: This function counts the number of cells in a range containing numbers.

COUNTA: This function counts the number of cells in a range that are not empty. It can be used to count cells containing text, numbers or formulas.

COUNTBLANK: This function counts the number of blank cells in a range.

COUNTIF: This function counts the number of cells in a range that meet a specified criterion. For example, you can use COUNTIF to count the number of cells containing a certain text string.

COUNTIFS: This function is similar to COUNTIFS, but it allows you to specify multiple criteria. It counts the number of cells in a range that meet all specified criteria.

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