How to create a poll in WhatsApp on Android (NEW FEATURE)

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How to create a poll in WhatsApp on Android (NEW FEATURE)
How to create a poll in WhatsApp on Android (NEW FEATURE)
In this video I will show you how to create a poll on WhatsApp using an Android phone. So the first thing we need to do is make sure our WhatsApp app is up to date. So go to your Play Store. Type in the search box, Whatsapp.

Then tap the search button which will take you to your WhatsApp app. As you can see, mine here says Updated, which means there is a new update for WhatsApp. However, if yours says open, that means your WhatsApp app is up to date. So first of all, I'm going to go in and show you what version of Whatsapp I'm on.

And then what we're going to do is update the WhatsApp app. Now let's go into the WhatsApp app to create our poll.

Click on one of the cats you want to create a poll for. This can be aimed at a specific person, or you can put it in a group chat. Once you are in the conversation you want to create the poll for. Press the paper clip. And you should now see a new poll option on this.

The first thing we want to do is create our survey question. So I'm going to type in a random question here. Just to show you what this is going to look like, and after you type in your question, what you want to do is start adding the options for people to vote.

So here I'm going to select yes or no, simple as that. And as you can see, once you get to the second line, you then have the option to add more answers. If you need, you can also reorder by pressing and holding your finger, on the three lines, next to that of the answers and reorder them according to your needs, then press the send button, and now you can vote for others people can vote for the poll you just created.

And you can also check the votes and see what people ate. So I hope this video is helpful to you. Thanks for watching until next time. Peace.

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