How to delete files, folders or directories in Ubuntu Linux command line

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How to delete files, folders or directories in Ubuntu Linux command line
How to delete files, folders or directories in Ubuntu Linux command line
How to delete or delete files, folders or directories in Ubuntu Linux command line

In this video I will show you how to delete or permanently delete files, folders or directories in Linux. The operating system I installed on my server during this video tutorial was Ubuntu Linux. These commands will also work on other Linux operating systems.

Commands for deleting files:

There are two ways to delete or delete files in Linux. You can use /"unlink/" or /"rm/".

unlink filename.extension
rm filename.extension

You can delete or delete multiple files in a single command by using /"rm/" and separating each file you want to delete with a space. The files you delete do not have to have the same extension to be deleted using a single command. You cannot use the /"unlink/" command to delete multiple files.

rm filename.extension filename.extension

Commands to delete directories or folders:
rm -rf directory name or folder name

To delete files or folders starting with a letter such as /"b/", type the following command:

rm -rf b*

You can also add more letters or even words to the command above before the star (*)

To delete files with a specific file extension such as /".json/" type the following command:

rm -rf *json

Command syntax: rm -rf *extension

To delete an entire directory or folder, leaving it empty, type the following command:

rm-rf *

To list all files and folders in your current directory, type the following command:


Abbreviation key
rm Delete
r Recursive (delete files and folders without prompting)
f Force (delete write-protected files and folders)
-rf Recursive force
* Wildcard
ls list

0:00 Introduction and context
0:10 How to list files in current directory (ls)
0:25 Unlink and rm commands to delete a single file in terminal
1:44 How to delete directories or folders in Linux terminal
2:36 How to delete an entire directory to completely empty it

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