How to disable Google Chrome auto-update – Disable Google Chrome auto-update

HomeOther ContentHow to disable Google Chrome auto-update – Disable Google Chrome auto-update
How to disable Google Chrome auto-update - Disable Google Chrome auto-update
How to disable Google Chrome auto-update – Disable Google Chrome auto-update
How to disable Google Chrome auto-update – Turn off Google Chrome auto-update.

Google Chrome on Windows and Mac automatically updates regularly. The automatic update procedure is carried out by Google Update, based on the Omaha open source project. Automatic updating provides fixes to sometimes critical issues, thereby limiting exposure.

Issues covered in this tutorial:
Chrome auto-update disabled
disable automatic Chrome update Windows 10
disable Chrome auto-update
Chrome OS automatic update
Chrome auto-update
Chrome auto-update settings
disabling Chrome auto-update
disabling Google Chrome auto-update
automatic update of Google Chrome
stop Chrome auto-updating
chrome enable auto update

This tutorial will apply to computers, laptops, desktops and tablets running Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1 and Windows 7 operating systems. Works for all major computer manufacturers (Dell, HP, Acer, Asus , Toshiba, Lenovo, Samsung).

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