How to disable Hide my email address

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How to disable Hide my email address
How to disable Hide my email address
How to disable Hide my email address

How to first configure Hide My Email –

In this quick tech video, I'll show you how to disable an email address you created using Hide My Email on an iPhone or Apple device.

I recently made a video showing you how to create a random email address using the Hide My Email feature, which allows you to sign up for websites or apps without revealing your real email address. -mail. I'll put a link here and below just in case you want help setting this up.

But now that we have created a random email and we have what we needed on the website or app, if it is of no use or you just don't want to receive anything from them Apart from in future we can go ahead and disable or delete the random email. This will stop forwarding mail to your primary email address.

To do this, open the Settings app. Once inside, tap your name or profile at the top.

Next, select iCloud, then here near the top you will see Hide my email. Choose this.

Inside here, you will see all the websites you registered on using Hide My Email.

Let's say I no longer want to receive emails from the New York Times. Choose that and we will be taken to the overview page. We can see at the top what the random email is being used, and below what my primary email is that it's forwarding to. You will also see the tag or any notes you created when creating it.

At the bottom, tap Disable Email Address, then tap the pop-up again to confirm. The random email address will then be disabled, which will stop forwarding New York Times mail to my primary inbox.

If we go back to the main Hide My Email page again, you will see the inactive addresses at the bottom. Choose this. You will then see the addresses that you have disabled. I'm going to tap New York Times again and we'll see the address information. At the bottom we have the option to reactivate the email address to start receiving emails again or delete the address to permanently delete it from our account. If you're sure you'll never need it again, you can do so or just leave it in your disabled list.

And this is how you disable Hide my email addresses that you created.

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