How to download and install Google Chrome on Mac

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How to download and install Google Chrome on Mac
How to download and install Google Chrome on Mac
This video explains how to download and install Google Chrome on Mac.

To learn how to install Google Chrome on MacBook Pro and MacBook Air, just follow the step-by-step guide.

Whether you're new to Mac or just looking for an alternative browser, Google Chrome is a fantastic choice.

Here are the steps to install Chrome on Mac (MacBook Pro and MacBook Air):

1. Open your favorite web browser, go to and type /"Google Chrome download/" in the search bar.

2. In the search results, find the official Google Chrome website and click on it.

3. Once you are on the Google Chrome website, click on the /"Download Chrome/" button to start the download process.

4. Once the download is complete, find the Google Chrome installer file in your Downloads folder. Click on it and select /"googlechrome.dmg/".

5. A window will appear. Click and hold the Google Chrome icon, then drag it to the Applications folder.

6. Once the installation is complete, close the window. Click the search icon in the top bar and type /"Chrome/". From the results, click to open it.

Google Chrome is now successfully installed on your MacBook.

So here is how to download and install Google Chrome on MacBook Air and MacBook Pro.

If you have any problem installing Chrome on your Mac, ask me in the comments section below to get the quick answer.

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