How to download your Twitter Space recording as an MP3 file

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How to download your Twitter Space recording as an MP3 file
How to download your Twitter Space recording as an MP3 file
The original account has been suspended by Twitter! You can find the updated version here:

As you all know, I'm a Twitter addict and I'm always finding ways to improve my experience. This week I found the ultimate no-code solution for using your own Twitter Spaces recordings.

What if I told you, it's as simple as mentioning an account in the responses to your space?

No really, it's really that simple.
I was able to host a space and invite the CEO of Space Downloader, Jibril Sulaiman.

What is Space Downloader?
It's an account on Twitter that will find your space, convert it to an MP3 file, and respond to you with a downloadable file.

Why Space Downloader?

Jibril was clear: "I want to give creators control of their intellectual property/"

For those who don't know, when you post on social media, you give the platform and all its users access to your content. Most creators complain that they struggle to adapt their content for reuse themselves.

By creating MP3 audio for Space recordings, it allows creators to reuse their content and remove content from the original platform.

Who can access my Twitter space recordings?

The recordings are therefore generally accessible to the public for 30 days. This is only in the listen function. Only you can request the recording file, which is available in a low-quality format.

Space Downloader will only generate the MP3 version of a space recording if the host or co-host requests it.

How much does Space Downloader cost?

Currently, Space Downloader is free. You are expected to follow a few simple courtesy rules:

Jibril says / "I can't say that Space Downloader will be free forever, I hope to present it to Twitter as a credible plugin. /" Although he is not yet a Twitter partner, his method has worked well. transparently in the beta version. phase, bringing over 100 downloads in the first 24 hours.

Step by step How to use Spacedownloader.
I created a Youtube video to show you how easy using Space Downloader is:

Please take the opportunity to connect and share this video with your friends and family if you find it useful.

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