How to Enable New Spotlight UI in PC Windows 11 – Complete Guide 2023

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How to Enable New Spotlight UI in PC Windows 11 – Complete Guide 2023
How to Enable New Spotlight UI in PC Windows 11 – Complete Guide 2023
Since my last knowledge update in January 2022, Windows 11 introduced a new feature called "Spotlight/" which displays stunning images and interesting facts on your lock screen. If you want to enable or customize the Spotlight feature in Windows 11, you can do so through the Settings app. Here's how:

1. **Open settings**:
– Click the /"Start/" button on the taskbar to open the Start menu.
– Click "Settings/" (gear icon) in the left sidebar. This will open Windows Settings.

2. **Access the personalization settings**:
– In the Windows Settings window, click /"Personalization./"

3. **Go to lock screen**:
– In the left sidebar of the personalization settings, select /"Lock screen./"

4. **Choose Spotlight under Background**:
– In the "Background/" section, you can choose the type of background you want for your lock screen.
– Click the drop-down menu under /"Background/" and select /"Windows Spotlight./"

5. **Customize Spotlight (optional)**:
– To further personalize your Spotlight experience, you can scroll down to the /"Spotlight Collection/" section.
– Here you can enable or disable various Spotlight-related features, such as /"Fun Facts/" /"Tips/" /"Bing Search/" and /"Other Fun Facts."
– You can also click "More details in Windows Spotlight" to get more information about images and access additional settings.

6. **Spotlight Image Preview**:
– To see a preview of the images and information provided by Spotlight, you can click the /"Preview/" button under the /"Spotlight Collection/" section.

7. **Lock your PC to see Spotlight**:
– To view Spotlight images and facts, lock your PC by pressing /"Win L/" (Windows L key) or logging out and returning to the lock screen.

That's it! You have enabled and customized the Spotlight feature on your Windows 11 lock screen. You should now start seeing beautiful images and interesting facts displayed on your lock screen when you lock your PC.

Please note that the availability of certain features and settings may vary depending on the version of Windows 11 you are using, as Microsoft may release updates and improvements to the operating system over time.

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