How to enable or disable smooth edges in Windows 10 screen fonts

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How to enable or disable smooth edges in Windows 10 screen fonts
How to enable or disable smooth edges in Windows 10 screen fonts
Smooth edges in screen fonts, also called font smoothing or antialiasing, is a technology used to make text on computer screens smoother and more readable. Without font smoothing, text can appear jagged and pixelated, especially at smaller font sizes.

In Windows 10, font smoothing is enabled by default using a technology called ClearType. ClearType uses sub-pixel rendering to smooth the edges of characters on screen, making them sharper and more readable. The technology uses the RGB subpixels of modern LCD displays to create a more accurate rendering of text.

Users can adjust the level of font smoothing in Windows 10 by going to "Advanced scaling settings" in Display settings. There, they can turn ClearType on or off, adjust the smoothness level, or run the ClearType tuner to further optimize the settings for their particular display.

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