How to enable parallel downloads in Google Chrome for Android?

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How to enable parallel downloads in Google Chrome for Android?
How to enable parallel downloads in Google Chrome for Android?
We can download certain files in Chrome much faster if we first enable a hidden option called Parallel Download.

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By default, Google Chrome will only download files using a single connection, but I can show you how to enable a hidden feature that will potentially speed up your downloads in the Chrome web browser.

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However, I must warn people with a low-end smartphone or tablet that enabling this feature could make your device very slow while you are downloading a large file.

So to find this hidden feature we need to open the chrome://flags page.

This is a hidden menu that Google likes to add features to early on, so people like you and me can test them before they become enabled by default via a new update.

We can access this page by opening a new tab and then typing chrome://flags before hitting Enter on the keyboard.

Another warns. Be careful what you enable or disable here.
Changing options here that you don't know about could completely change how Chrome works on your device.

But once we get here, we just need to search for the word Parallel.
and you should see the other options filtered so that only the parallel download option is displayed to you.

And again, by default, parallel downloading will be disabled.
But we can enable it very quickly by tapping on this dropdown here
And then selecting the Enabled option.

It works in Chrome for Android as well as for your desktop or laptop.
So make sure you make this change here as well.

Simply press the Blue Relaunch button for this change to take effect.
Now after restarting Chrome, you can check the parallel download feature if you want.
Just to make sure it was activated correctly and remained active after relaunch.

From there, I recommend downloading a file to see if you can achieve faster speeds than before.
This will not force your Internet connection to be any faster than before.

But if you noticed that a download in Chrome wasn't very fast at all
This could then be due to low speeds on this connection that Chrome wants to use by default.

So enable the parallel download feature like we did here today
This will allow Chrome to open multiple connections when you choose to download a file.
And it will attempt to download this file faster than with a single connection.

Step by step tutorial

1. Introduction [00:00]

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The equipment I use

5W charger /"Slow/" –
Fast charger –
MicroUSB cable –
USB-C cable –
TPU Cases –
USB-C to 3.5mm dongle –
USB-C to 3.5mm DAC –
NVIDIA Shield TV –
Telescopic controller –

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