How to Export Your Google Photos to Synology NAS in 2021

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How to Export Your Google Photos to Synology NAS in 2021
How to Export Your Google Photos to Synology NAS in 2021
Switching from Google Photos to NAS

COMPLETE step-by-step guide to migrate Google to NAS – -step by step guide/

As many of you may know, Google recently announced a change in its policy allowing Android phone users to be able to backup their photos without limits to their respective Google Cloud accounts. Until recently, if you were an Android phone user, you never really had to worry about your phone's photos filling up your capacity, because Android would periodically tell you that you can back up your photos to your personal cloud and free up space on your device. However, starting June 2021, Google will no longer allow unlimited backups of photos from mobile devices and even though the current photos you have backed up will be safe, there are serious long-term repercussions which users of Android phones need to be aware. For starters, your Google cloud account is actually used by many other services such as Google Drive file management and the even more important Gmail service. When Google's photo throttling goes into effect, all your backed-up photos from that point on will be counted toward your overall storage. Most users have a free subscription, between 2 GB and 50 GB of storage included with their Android device (depending on model and brand). When Google Photos throttling begins, chances are your Gmail will no longer work to receive emails and attachments until you delete the photos from your Google Drive that have suddenly taken up your full capacity. In order to counter this. Google invites users to purchase monthly and annual subscription services to the largest cloud storage capacities ranging from 1.79 to 79.99 with higher prices for business users. However, this is much more of a short-term solution, and eventually that rather meager annual subscription capacity will also be maxed out, along with the inevitable likelihood that you'll either have to pay Google monthly forever or buy more. material to store. your photos if necessary. This is exactly what today's article is about and today I want to talk to you about how to move from Google Photos to your own NAS drive, how each brand manages your photo collection and advantages of Synology and QNAP when creating photos. to change.

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