How to Extract Audio from Video Using VLC Media Player

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How to Extract Audio from Video Using VLC Media Player
How to Extract Audio from Video Using VLC Media Player
In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of extracting audio from a video file using VLC Media Player. VLC is a popular media player that offers a wide range of features, including the ability to extract audio tracks from videos. Follow these steps to extract audio using VLC:

1. Install VLC Media Player: If you haven't already, download and install VLC Media Player from the official website ( Make sure you have the latest version of VLC installed on your computer.

2. Open VLC Media Player: Launch VLC Media Player on your computer.

3. Open the video file: Click /"Media/" in the top menu and select /"Open File/" in the drop-down menu. Browse and select the video file you want to extract audio from.

4. Choose the output format: Click /"Tools/" from the top menu and select /"Preferences/" from the drop-down menu. In the Preferences window, click the /"Audio/" tab. In the /"Save/Convert/" section, select the desired audio output format (e.g. MP3, WAV, AAC).

5. Specify the destination folder: Click the /"Browse/" button next to the /"Destination File/" field to choose the location where you want to save the extracted audio file.

6. Start ripping: Click the /"Start/" button to start the audio ripping process. VLC will extract the audio track from the video file and save it to the specified destination folder.

7. Locate the extracted audio file: Once the extraction is complete, navigate to the destination folder you selected in step 5 to find the extracted audio file.

By following these steps, you can easily extract audio from video using VLC Media Player. This feature can be useful if you want to extract music, sound effects, or other audio content from a video file.

Note: Respect copyright laws and make sure you have the necessary rights to extract and use audio from a video file.

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