How to find all photos and videos on your Windows 10 PC without installing any tools?

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How to find all photos and videos on your Windows 10 PC without installing any tools?
How to find all photos and videos on your Windows 10 PC without installing any tools?
How to find all photos and videos on your Windows 10 PC without installing any tools? After years of accumulating photos and videos, it may be time to find and back up your photo and video treasures, but how to do this on a large Win 10 PC with sometimes multiple hard drives and SSDs and many different file types like MP4, MPEG, AVI, MOV, JPG, GIF, TIF and so on? There is a little tip: look and see!

If you still decide to use a Photo Stick (e.g. ThePhotoStick), you can buy it for example here on Amazon:

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Disclaimer: The information provided on this video is solely based on my personal experience and is my very personal opinion, trying to help other people and should in no way be considered professional advice. I am not a licensed professional, so be sure to consult your professional consultant in case you need to.

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