How to Fix a Stuck Window

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How to Fix a Stuck Window
How to Fix a Stuck Window
Dealing with a stuck window can be annoying, especially when you want to feel a nice cool breeze. And if you need help, can show you how to open a stuck window.

You'll want to make sure the window can be opened first. Some windows are nailed or sealed. And if the window can be opened, first make sure it is not locked or locked.

The window may be stuck due to too much paint. If this is the case, you will need to peel off the paint. You can do this with a razor knife by cutting the space between the window and the frame. Check the exterior to make sure there are no paint issues either.

If paint isn't the problem, take a putty knife and insert it between the frame and the window. You had to move it back and forth to loosen the sides. You can also hammer the edges of the window, but to do this, place a block of wood on the side of the window and tap it gently.

Use a lubricating spray to grease the moving parts of the window. You may need to loosen the window one side at a time when lifting. If all else fails, a pry bar can be used, but use the block of wood to give it extra leverage and pry gently.

And There you go ! A freshly peeled window, perfect for ventilating your home.

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Disclaimer: We cannot promise that the following techniques will not cause you problems with your property manager. Before starting any of these projects, be sure to obtain written permission.

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