How to Fix Antimalware Service Executable High Memory/CPU Usage on Windows 11

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How to Fix Antimalware Service Executable High Memory/CPU Usage on Windows 11
How to Fix Antimalware Service Executable High Memory/CPU Usage on Windows 11
How to Fix Antimalware Service Executable High Memory/CPU Usage on Windows 11

If your computer seems slow or unresponsive, it's best to check if there is a process eating up memory and CPU. It is likely that the process is the Antimalware service executable. This common problem occurs when Windows Defender has not been configured correctly or malware on your system is interfering with its operation.

Issues covered in this tutorial:
Windows 11 antimalware service executable
high memory usage of antimalware service executable
high CPU antimalware service executable
antimalware service executable always high
average memory usage of antimalware service executable
Antimalware Service Executable CPU
antimalware service executable running all the time
antimalware service executable can I complete the task
Antimalware service executable cannot be disabled
crashed games executable from antimalware service
Antimalware service executable disables Windows 11
Using the Antimalware Service Executable Disk
antimalware service 100 executable disk
removing the antimalware service executable
antimalware service executable do I need it
antimalware service executable final task
ram eating antimalware service executable
Antimalware service executable consumes memory

If you saw the “Antimalware Service Executable” program in Task Manager, don’t worry. This is not a third-party service or virus imitating antivirus. This is an official Windows program that works to secure your Windows PC. Here we answer all your questions for the question: What is Antimalware service executable (msmpeng.exe) and why does it show high CPU, disk or memory usage in Windows 11 ? Is it a virus? Should I deactivate it? Find all your answers to these questions in this article.

This tutorial will apply to computers, laptops, desktops and tablets running Windows 11 (Home, Pro, Enterprise, Education) operating system from all supported hardware manufacturers, such as Dell, HP, Acer , Asus, Toshiba, Lenovo, Samsung and Huawei.

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