How to Fix Blank Icons in Windows 10

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How to Fix Blank Icons in Windows 10
How to Fix Blank Icons in Windows 10
If you're experiencing blank icons on your Windows 10 desktop or in File Explorer, don't worry: there are several solutions you can try to fix this problem. Here is a step-by-step guide:

1. Restart your computer: Sometimes a simple restart can fix the problem, so start by restarting your Windows 10 PC.

2. Clear the icon cache: The icon cache may be corrupted, causing empty icons to appear. To clear the icon cache, follow these steps:
– Open File Explorer and navigate to the following location: C://Users//YourUsername//AppData//Local
– Locate and delete the file named /"IconCache.db/". You may need to enable the option to show hidden files and folders in File Explorer to see this file.
– After deleting the file, restart your computer. Windows will automatically rebuild the icon cache.

3. Reset Thumbnail Cache: If the problem persists, it is also worth resetting the thumbnail cache. Here's how:
– Open File Explorer and navigate to the following location: C://Users//YourUsername//AppData//Local//Microsoft//Windows//Explorer
– Delete all files with the /"thumbcache/" prefix (e.g. thumbcache_32.db, thumbcache_96.db, etc.).
– Restart your computer to let Windows rebuild the thumbnail cache.

4. Rebuild the icon cache using Command Prompt: If manually deleting the icon cache didn't work, you can try rebuilding it using Command Prompt :
– Press Windows key, type /"cmd/" and right-click on /"Command Prompt./" Select /"Run as administrator/" to open an elevated command prompt.
– In the Command Prompt window, type the following commands one by one, pressing Enter after each:
– taskkill /IM explorer.exe /F
– CD /d %userprofile%//AppData//Local
– DEL IconCache.db /a
– stop /r /f /t 00
– After restarting, Windows will rebuild the icon cache.

5. Perform a system file check: If the blank icons issue persists, the system files related to the icons may be corrupted. You can use the System File Checker (SFC) tool to find and repair these files. Here's how:
– Open Command Prompt as administrator (right-click /"Command Prompt/" and select /"Run as administrator/").
– Type the command: sfc /scannow
– Wait for the analysis to complete. If corrupted files are detected, the SFC tool will attempt to repair them. Restart your computer once the process is complete.

Hopefully one of these solutions will fix the blank icons issue in Windows 10. If the problem persists, it may be worth considering a system restore point or contacting Microsoft Support for assistance.

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