How to Fix Drag and Drop Not Working in Your Windows 10/11 [Solution]

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How to Fix Drag and Drop Not Working in Your Windows 10/11 [Solution]
How to Fix Drag and Drop Not Working in Your Windows 10/11 [Solution]
How to Fix Drag and Drop Not Working in Your Windows 10/11 [Solution]

The drag and drop feature allows you to easily move files or folders to a new location. You can still move a file by pressing Ctrl

That is why it is very annoying when this handy feature stops working on your computer. If this happens to you, don't worry; here are eight solutions to help you fix it.

Do you have a problem with Windows that makes it impossible to drag and drop files or folders? You can right-click and select files and folders, but you can no longer drag and drop them. Unfortunately, most Windows users have encountered this problem at least once. But there are many methods to solve this problem.

Issues covered in this tutorial:
drag and drop windows that don't work
Windows 10 drag and drop not working
Windows 11 drag and drop not working
Outlook drag and drop not working Windows 11
Outlook drag and drop not working Windows 10
Virtualbox drag and drop not working on Windows 11
Virtualbox drag and drop not working on Windows 10
iTunes drag and drop not working on Windows 10
Photoshop drag and drop not working on Windows 11
iTunes drag and drop not working on Windows 11
VMware drag and drop not working on Windows 10
drag and drop doesn't work
drag and drop stopped working Windows 10
why is drag and drop not working
Windows 10, right click, drag and drop not working
drag and drop in Chrome not working on Windows 11
drag and drop no longer works
drag and drop Windows 11 taskbar not working
Windows 11 Pro drag and drop not working
Windows 10 desktop drag and drop not working

Are you having trouble using the drag and drop gesture on the desktop, in File Explorer, or in a particular program? This troubleshooting guide will show you several ways to fix drag and drop on Windows 11 and 10.

Drag and drop plays a central role when moving items around on a PC. However, it also has a reputation for not working properly, and there are many reasons for this problem. If you can't use the gesture as you usually do in Windows 11 or 10, the following solutions should help.

Have you encountered the issue where you can no longer drag and drop files and folders in Windows 10 or Windows 11? You can click and right-click files and folders, you can select files and folders, but you can no longer drag and drop them. We encountered this problem ourselves and after researching many possible solutions, we found one that should work in most cases. Here's how to restore drag and drop functionality in seconds:

This tutorial will apply to computers, laptops, desktops, and tablets running Windows 10 and Windows 11 (Home, Pro, Enterprise, Education) operating systems from all supported hardware manufacturers, such as Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba, Lenovo, Alienware, Razer, MSI, Huawei, Microsoft Surface and Samsung.

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