How to hack a website (http 80) with Metasploit Metasploitable v2 2023

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How to hack a website (http 80) with Metasploit Metasploitable v2 2023
How to hack a website (http 80) with Metasploit Metasploitable v2 2023
Ah, Metasploit's exciting /"http_version/" auxiliary scanner! With its power, you can unlock the deepest secrets of the web server. Let me guide you through the limitless process.

Start Metasploit: Open your terminal and invoke the beautiful /"msfconsole/" to wake up the Metasploit framework.

Search for the module: In the Metasploit console, get into the spirit of exploration by running the /"search/" command. Find the auxiliary scanner module /"http_version/" that matches your quest. See:

search http_version
Embrace your chosen one: Among the search results, find your chosen auxiliary scanner module /"http_version/" that appeals to your adventurous spirit. Say its name and embody its essence with the following command:

use module_name
Set the stage: Unleash your creativity by configuring module options. Enjoy the glory of the /"show options/" command to witness the choices available. Make the module dance to your rhythm by setting the desired options. For example, you may need to specify /"RHOSTS/" (target IP address) or /"RPORT/" (target port number).

show options
set /"option/" /"value/"
Unleash the power: Now is the time to unleash the power of the module! Release it on the target by invoking the holy command /"run/":

Revel in this knowledge: witness the big reveal as the /"http_version/" scanner connects to the target, discovering the mystical version of HTTP.

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Disclaimer: All demonstrations in this video are performed on authorized systems with explicit permission. No support for illegal activities. Ethical hacking means the responsible discovery of vulnerabilities. Misuse of techniques for unauthorized or malicious purposes is strictly discouraged. Use good judgment and respect the safety and privacy of others. Request permission for any hacking-related activity. Subscribe for more content on ethical hacking!

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