How to increase paging file size or virtual memory in Windows 10

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How to increase paging file size or virtual memory in Windows 10
How to increase paging file size or virtual memory in Windows 10
If you receive a message Your system is low on virtual memory; When you are trying to start a memory-intensive application, like Microsoft Office, Corel, etc., you may want to consider the option to increase the paging file in Windows. The steps are the same for Windows 10, Windows 8.1 as well as Windows 7.

To get started, in the task search bar, type /"Advanced system/". You will see “Show advanced system settings”. Click on it to open the “System Properties” box. One here, follow the procedure given.

Watch this video to learn how to increase paging file size or virtual memory in Windows 10; and to read a detailed article about it, click

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