How to index your YouTube videos with ChaptGPT

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How to index your YouTube videos with ChaptGPT
How to index your YouTube videos with ChaptGPT
Today, Brad Smith, owner of AutomationLinks, shows you how to rank your YouTube videos not only on Google, but directly through AI platforms.

Check out the full guide here:

What's inside:
1. The new gold rush: discover how Apple's integration of AI is changing the game.
2. Secret Hack Revealed: Discover my unique strategy to rank your videos on ChatGPT and AI, making you the first recommendation.
3. Step-by-step guide: Follow my detailed tutorial to use this method with your own content.
4. Engage with AI: Understand how AI can drive queries about your niche directly to your content.

Brad's Affiliates/Recommendations:
– CRM:
– Website builder:
– Independents:
– Email Marketing:
– Posting on social media:

0:00 – Introduction and overview
0:20 – Apple announcement on AI and its impact
0:55 – Discovering the secret hack
1:30 p.m. – Detailed guide to implementing the hack
2:05 – How AI searches will highlight your content
3:05 p.m. – Recap and call to action

/"To say I'm excited about this is an understatement./"
/"It's the new online gold rush./"
/"Do you want to appear #1, do you want to be the authority?/"
/"I recently bought a new grill, so I googled how to grill burgers on the grill./"
/"In the next few months, in the next few years, people will start asking AI how to grill a hamburger./"
/"And they're going to show my videos and my blog post because I'm going to start indexing them like that./"
/"I'll take my most popular video, how to automate your website guide./"
/"Hey, how can I automate my website?/"
/"So what I did was I took this one here, put it in and let's see what it does./"
/"We can be first and be the authority on AI./"

Please take the opportunity to connect and share this video with your friends and family if you find it useful.

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