“How to Install and Play Fallout Games on Linux – Ultimate Guide”

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“How to Install and Play Fallout Games on Linux – Ultimate Guide”
“How to Install and Play Fallout Games on Linux – Ultimate Guide”
In this video I explain how to install and play Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 on Linux using Steam Proton.

Step 1. Install the latest GPU driver.

When it comes to installing GPU drivers in Linux, the installation method differs depending on your choice of distribution.


A great point of reference is the Installing Drivers page of the Lutris wiki as it covers both AMD and Nvidia hardware for distributions based on Ubuntu, Arch, Fedora and OpenSUSE.

Step 2. Install Steam.

Steam should be available for installation using a package manager from all Linux distribution repositories and, in most cases, using a software center or with terminal commands .

Once the installation is complete, launch Steam using your application launcher, apply the update then log in to your account.

Step 3. Enable Steam Proton.

To enable Steam Proton for your library, go to Steam / Settings / Steam Play and check "Enable Steam Play for supported titles" and "Enable Steam Play for all other titles/".

This will select Proton Experimental as the default Proton build, so restart Steam to apply.

From there, install each game in the usual way and launch it once the installation process is complete.

At this point, all games should be playable but there are still some things to do as the experience won't be perfect yet.

Step 4. Game-specific fixes/adjustments.

Fallout 3

Out of the box, Fallout 3 has two issues that first need to be addressed: the mouse cursor movement is very erratic, and second; The game will run at a frame rate higher than 60 FPS, causing the game engine to bug.

Fixed mouse acceleration.

Mouse acceleration can be fixed by adding the following entries to the FALLOUT.INI file.


The file itself can be located at:

.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/compatdata/22370/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuse/My documents/My games/Fallout3

Save the file when finished.

Set a frame rate limit of 60 FPS.

To set the game's maximum frame rate to 60 FPS, add the following to the game's custom launch options.


Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout: New Vegas has the same problems as Fallout 3, so the steps are the same.

Fixed mouse acceleration.

Again, mouse acceleration can be fixed by adding the following entries to the Fallout_default.ini file.


The file itself can be located at:

.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas

Save the file when finished.

Set the frame rate limit to 60 FPS.

Again, set the game's maximum frame rate to 60 FPS by adding the command below to the game's custom launch options.


Fallout 4

Fallout 4 should work out of the box, but I recommend installing and using the High FPS Physics mod which will allow you to run the game at a higher frame rate without the game engine crashing.

Unlock the game's frame rate.


Download the latest version of Fallout Script Extender (F4SE) and extract it to the game's installation location at:

.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/common/Fallout 4


Then download the High FPS Physics Fix mod, extract the archive and copy the Data folder again to the game installation directory.

Finally, we need to configure the game to launch directly using F4SE by renaming Fallout4Launcher.exe to Fallout4Launcher.exe.old and f4se_loader.exe to Fallout4Launcher.exe.

Fallout 76

Fallout 76 will also run out of the box, but again we can unlock the frame rate and use a custom INI file to improve load times and performance.

Unlock the game's frame rate

To unlock the frame rate in Fallout 76, all you need to do is set the PresentInterval line to 0 in the Fallout76Pref.ini file, which is located at:

.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/compatdata/1151340/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuse/My documents/My games/Fallout 76

Improve performance and reduce loading times.


To improve performance and reduce loading times, we can use the mod /"Fallout 76 Custom INI Performance Tweaks and Improved Loading Times/" on Nexus Mods.

Once downloaded, extract the downloaded archive and take a copy of the Fallout76Custom.ini file inside and paste it in the following directory:

.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/compatdata/1151340/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuse/My documents/My games/Fallout 76

#linuxgaming #fallout #proton

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