How to install GRUB themes

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How to install GRUB themes
How to install GRUB themes
#Linux #GRUB #Themes

Full steps can be found at

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Install a new theme
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01. Search and download a theme
02. Run the following commands in a terminal window:
# move to /Downloads directory
cd /Downloads
# list directory contents
# extract the downloaded theme, replace the file name if necessary
tar xzvf 'Grub2 CyberRe Theme 1.0.0.tar.gz'
# copy the extracted theme to /boot/grub/themes
# change the theme name if necessary
sudo cp CyberRe// 1.0.0/CyberRe /boot/grub/themes/ -r
# backup /etc/default/grub
sudo cp /etc/default/grub /etc/default/grub.bkup
# edit /etc/default/grub
sudo nano /etc/default/grub
03. At the bottom of the file, paste the following, updating the path to the theme.txt file
04. Press CTRLO, Enter, CTRLX to write changes
05. Continue with the following commands in a terminal window:
# update grub
sudo update-grub
06. If everything is configured correctly, a line saying Found theme: /boot/grub/themes/CyberRe/theme.txt should appear in the update-grub output.
07. Reboot to see the new theme in action

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Delete theme
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01. Run the following commands in a terminal window:
# change in grub themes directory
cd /boot/grub/themes/
# list directory contents
# recursively delete the custom theme directory
# replace theme folder name if necessary
sudo rm CyberRe -r
02. NOTE: You can also remove the GRUB_THEME line from /etc/default/grub, but this is not required.
03. Continue with the following commands:
# update grub
sudo update-grub
# reboot
sudo restarts now

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