How to install macOS on a VirtualBox virtual machine

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How to install macOS on a VirtualBox virtual machine
How to install macOS on a VirtualBox virtual machine
If you want to try Apple macOS on a virtual machine, you can do so for free using Oracle VirtualBox. Simply download the macOS ISO file online and then install the operating system on your VM. How it works will depend on what version of macOS you're using, where you got it, and what version of VirtualBox you're using, so your results may vary. If you get the iCloud unsupported device error, you may need to use a local account and try adding your Apple ID later. This seems to work best if you have 2 cores on your CPU, so make sure you have that configured.

Here is the information from the video.

Use this command to navigate to your VirtualBox installation directory.

cd /"C://Program Files//Oracle//VirtualBox/"

Change the name of your virtual machine to the name of your virtual machine and run all of the following commands on your host.

VBoxManage.exe modifiervm /"Name of your VM/" –cpuidset 00000001 000306a9 04100800 7fbae3ff bfebfbff

VBoxManage setextradata /"Name of your VM/" /"VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemProduct/" /"MacBookPro11.3/"

VBoxManage setextradata /"Name of your VM/" /"VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemVersion/" /"1.0/"

VBoxManage setextradata /"Name of your VM/" /"VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiBoardProduct/" /"Mac-2BD1B31983FE1663/"

VBoxManage setextradata /"Your VM name/" /"VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/DeviceKey/" /"ourhardworkbythesewordsguardedpleasedontsteal(c)AppleComputerInc/"

VBoxManage setextradata /"Name of your VM/" /"VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/GetKeyFromRealSMC/" 1

Someone in the comments who was stuck managed to add this line as well, so you might want to try it if you're having trouble.
VBoxManage modifiervm /"name of your VM/" –cpu-profile /"Intel Core i7-6700K

Downloading the macOS Monterey ISO File

Check out our book (VirtualBox Made Easy) designed to take your virtualization skills to the next level!


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