How to Install Microsoft Windows 10 on VirtualBox – Without Assistance

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How to Install Microsoft Windows 10 on VirtualBox – Without Assistance
How to Install Microsoft Windows 10 on VirtualBox – Without Assistance
This video will show you how to create a virtual machine and install Windows 10 in VirtualBox using the unattended installation method.

VirtualBox and Microsoft Windows 10 can be a great combination when you need to set up a development environment locally.
Using Oracle VM VirtualBox, you can literally take any computer and run different operating systems on it simultaneously, allowing you to develop, demonstrate, deploy and test applications, software and solutions on a single machine.

Step 1
You must have VirtualBox installed

2nd step
Before you can install Windows 10, you need to create a Windows 10 ISO file.
Go to the Microsoft Windows 10 page
Select the Download Tool button to download the Windows Media Creation Tool

Step 3
Run the Microsoft Media Creation Tool to create your Windows 10 installation ISO

Step 4
Once your ISO file is ready, start VirtualBox and click New.
Enter the required configuration details for your VM, attaching your new Windows 10 installation ISO.

Step 5
Turn on your VM. Let the unattended installation process run (it will take some time and a few restarts).

Step 6
Configure your new VM.
Install your VirtualBox Guest additions (drivers).
Configure bidirectional shared clipboard and drag and drop

That's it. You should now be ready to use Windows 10 on VirtualBox.

My configuration (affiliate links)

#install #windows10 #virtualbox #iso

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