How to install software without administrator privileges on Windows

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How to install software without administrator privileges on Windows
How to install software without administrator privileges on Windows
Sometimes you may want to install software such as games, social media applications or other prohibited software on your laptop. If your laptop is controlled by an administrator, you will have a lot of trouble installing the software. we will show you how to install software with administrator privileges on Windows. Keep in mind that this only works for certain software.
1-Go to the website of the application you are installing. Search for /"(name of the software you are installing) install/" in a search engine for quick results.
2-Download the app installer to your laptop.
3-Drag the installer to your /"Documents/" folder.
4-Create a folder to store the installer and other associated files that will help with the installation. You can name it whatever you want. Move the installer to the folder.
5-Right-click inside the folder and hover your mouse over the /"New/" category. Click on the new option /"Text document/".
6-Name the document as you wish. This will have no impact on the installation process.
7-Type this in the text document after opening it: set __COMPAT_LAYERRunAsInvoker Then press Enter to start a new line and type the following: start (the exact name of the installer including the file type)
8-Save the file as a .bat file. Set the file encoding to ANSI in the drop-down menu at the bottom.
9-Click on the .bat file, then on the installer. Install the software as usual.
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