How to Install Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Mac (M1 M2 M3) Run Ubuntu Apple Silicon Using UTM (2024)

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How to Install Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Mac (M1 M2 M3) Run Ubuntu Apple Silicon Using UTM (2024)
How to Install Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Mac (M1 M2 M3) Run Ubuntu Apple Silicon Using UTM (2024)
How to Install Ubuntu 24.04 LTS on Mac (M1 M2 M3) Run Ubuntu on Apple Silicon Using UTM

Are you looking to install Ubuntu 24.04 LTS on your Apple Silicon Mac (M1, M2, M3)? This complete step-by-step guide will help you run Ubuntu smoothly using UTM, a powerful virtualization tool for macOS. Whether you are a developer, student, or tech enthusiast, this guide will make the process simple and hassle-free.

**What you will learn:**
1. How to download and configure UTM on your Mac.
2. How to download Ubuntu ARM version suitable for Apple Silicon.
3. How to configure UTM to run Ubuntu 24.04 LTS.
4. How to configure a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Ubuntu.
5. How to install guest tools to improve the performance of your virtual machine.

**List of orders:**
**To configure the GUI:**
sudo apt update
sudo apt install tasksel
sudo apt install Ubuntu-Desktop

**To install Guest Tools:**
sudo apt install spice-vdagent
sudo apt install spice-webdavd

– **Ubuntu ARM**: [Download Ubuntu ARM](
– **UTM**: [UTM Download](
– **UTM GitHub link**: [UTM GitHub](

**Step by step guide:**

**Step 1: Download UTM**
1. Visit the [UTM website]( and download the latest version of UTM.
2. You can also check the [UTM GitHub]( page for more details and releases.

**Step 2: Install UTM**
1. Open the downloaded UTM file and drag the UTM app to your Applications folder.
2. Launch UTM and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.

**Step 3: Download Ubuntu ARM**
1. Visit the [Ubuntu ARM download page](
2. Download the server image for ARM architecture. Make sure you download the correct version for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS.

**Step 4: Create a new virtual machine in UTM**
1. Open UTM and click "Create a new virtual machine."
2. Select /"Virtualize/" for the virtual machine type.
3. Choose ARM architecture and follow the prompts to configure the VM.
4. Select the Ubuntu ARM ISO you downloaded earlier as the installation media.
5. Allocate enough resources (CPU, RAM) to the virtual machine to ensure smooth performance.

**Step 5: Install Ubuntu 24.04 LTS**
1. Start the virtual machine and follow the on-screen instructions to install Ubuntu 24.04 LTS.
2. Complete the installation process by configuring your user account and preferences.

**Step 6: Configure the GUI for Ubuntu**
1. Open the terminal on your Ubuntu virtual machine.
2. Update the package lists:
sudo apt update

3. Install tasksel and the Ubuntu desktop environment:
sudo apt install tasksel
sudo apt install Ubuntu-Desktop

4. Restart your virtual machine to apply the changes.

**Step 7: Install Guest Tools for Improved Performance**
1. Open the terminal on your Ubuntu virtual machine.
2. Install spice-vdagent and spice-webdavd for better integration:
sudo apt install spice-vdagent
sudo apt install spice-webdavd

3. Restart your virtual machine again to finalize the installation.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Ubuntu 24.04 LTS on your Mac with Apple Silicon using UTM. Enjoy exploring Ubuntu and leveraging the power of macOS and Linux on your Apple device.

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