How to Lose Social Anxiety Completely – It's Pretty Shocking

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How to Lose Social Anxiety Completely – It's Pretty Shocking
How to Lose Social Anxiety Completely – It's Pretty Shocking
Bestselling author Noah Elkrief explains why you have social anxiety and how to lose your social anxiety completely. It's shocking
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Do you want to lose your social anxiety or social anxiety disorder? If so, this video is meant to help you lose your social anxiety completely.
Noah Elkrief

This video explains how to lose your social anxiety or social anxiety disorder. The video first explains why you have social anxiety or social anxiety disorder. This is because you have an image of yourself that is influenced by the opinions of others. When someone has a positive opinion and you believe it, it improves your opinion of yourself, which gives you pleasure. And when the opposite happens, you feel pain or pain.

You suffer from social anxiety or social anxiety disorder because you fear the impact that other people's opinions will have on you. The opinions of others can damage your opinion of yourself, prevent you from improving your opinion of yourself, or even destroy part of your self-image. The effect of all this is suffering.

How to manage anxiety and get anxiety relief? How to lose social anxiety or social anxiety disorder? By recognizing that your self-image, your story of who you are, is not actually real, true or who you are. Social anxiety or social anxiety disorder is created by confusing the story in your head (your imagination) with who you are. We then fear the worsening or loss of this story, in the same way that we lose the fear of our body (fear of death).

In order to lose your self-image, this video offers 7 questions/exercises to help you discover that the elements of your self-image are not real or who you are.

I hope this video on how to lose social anxiety or social anxiety disorder will be helpful.

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