How to Make Explainer Videos – Video Marketing for Business #6

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How to Make Explainer Videos – Video Marketing for Business #6
How to Make Explainer Videos – Video Marketing for Business #6 How to create an explainer video for your business

An explainer video is a great way to market your product or service.
They are short, easy to understand, and generally focus on solving the viewers' problem.
Used as an integral part of your home page, it is often essential if Internet users want to know more.
Explainer videos have a simple but effective format.
They start by defining the problem, then explain why the problem needs to be solved, and finally propose a solution in the form of your product or service.
These types of videos normally end with a very actionable call to action, like signing up for a free trial or demo.
Sometimes, by identifying with the viewer, and perhaps even using a character to represent them, you can put yourself on their side and hope to become friends with them.
We've all seen the "Meet Bob, he's having a bad time for some reason, and our product will make Bob happy again."
Don't be discouraged by these rather simplistic attempts, you can surely do better than this.
When planning an explainer video, your script (and its length) will be absolutely essential.
Keeping the viewer hooked on your clever solution will be key to guiding them to the call to action, but say too much and they simply won't watch until the end, thus missing the all-important next action!
Another crucial element will be the tone of the voiceover and the style of the visual elements.
Often these videos are made as animations accompanied by a bed of catchy music, but there is no rule stating that they must be made that way.
You can include presenters and video footage, but remember to keep it simple and follow the “problem – solution” format for the best results.
Making explainer videos is not easy, but when done well, they are one of the best methods of communicating with potential customers.

Please watch our next video which will be on "How to Create Expert Videos".
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