How to Password Protect Documents in Microsoft Word 2010

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How to Password Protect Documents in Microsoft Word 2010
How to Password Protect Documents in Microsoft Word 2010
Do you want to protect your documents against unauthorized modification? Follow this step-by-step tutorial and learn how to do it.

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Microsoft Word for Windows is a comprehensive word processing program that allows you to edit text in several ways. It also ensures confidentiality and protection of information that you do not wish to share. You can password protect Word documents to prevent them from being edited or formatted, preventing data loss or breach. It therefore secures the documents by assigning them a password.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to password protect documents in Microsoft Word.

Step #1 – Using General Options
In Microsoft Word for Windows, go to the /"File/" tab and click the "Save As" option to open the /"Save As/" window. At the bottom of this window, you will see an option for “Tools”. Click its drop-down arrow, then select the option labeled "General Options." A dialog box will now appear for "General Options" and two fields can be used to assign a password to the document. One of them is for the password to open the file and the other is for the password to modify the file. Since we want to protect the document from any changes or modifications, we have entered a password in the “Password to change” field. Now press the “Protect Document” button to continue.

Step #2 – Restrict Formatting and Editing
After clicking the “Protect Document” button, a “Restrict Editing and Formatting” pane will open on the right side of the window. This consists of three options regarding restrictions. Proceed to the second option titled “Changing Restrictions”. Since you are protecting the document from any type of modification, you can choose the type of modification allowed in the document. Here you need to first check the “Allow only this type of editing in the document” option and then choose an option from the drop-down arrow. Let's say you selected the option called "Track Changes." Now, whenever changes are made, they will be marked as tracked changes.

Step #3 – Start applying protection
Once you have made changes to the edit restriction settings, the next step is to apply protection. Click the button at the bottom of the restriction pane labeled "Yes, start applying protection." At this point, a small option box for “Start applying protection” appears where you need to insert the password again. Enter the new password again and click the /"OK/" button to password protect Word documents. Once done, your document is fully protected. Anyone wishing to modify the document will need to enter a password to do so.

Step #4 – Stop Protection
To stop protection of a particular document, you simply need to click on the “Stop Protection” button located in the restriction panel at the very bottom. Click on this button and a small window will appear called “Unprotect Document” where you will need to enter the password again. Now click on the /"OK/" button and the document will no longer be protected.

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