How to Permanently Disable Cortana in Windows 11 [Tutorial]

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How to Permanently Disable Cortana in Windows 11 [Tutorial]
How to Permanently Disable Cortana in Windows 11 [Tutorial]
How to Permanently Disable Cortana in Windows 11 [Tutorial]

This tutorial explains how to temporarily and permanently disable Cortana in Windows 11. Additional information explains how to prevent Cortana from recording and storing your search habits and history.

Microsoft doesn't want you to turn off Cortana. Previously, you could disable Cortana in Windows 11, but Microsoft removed this simple toggle switch in the Anniversary Update. But you can still disable Cortana via a registry edit or Group Policy setting. This turns the Cortana box into a “Windows Search” tool for local app and file searches.

Cortana has become increasingly restrictive since the release of Windows 11. It was previously updated to ignore your default web browser. Cortana now always launches the Microsoft Edge browser and uses Bing only when you search. If this seems like something you wouldn't want to use, here's how to disable it.

Issues covered in this tutorial:
disable Cortana Windows 11
disable Cortana permanently
disable Cortana Windows 11 Home
disable Cortana pop-up
disable Cortana on startup
disable Cortana app Windows 11
disable Cortana app
disable Cortana and search for Windows 11
completely disable Cortana
disable Cortana for all users
disable Cortana from registry
disable Cortana from taskbar
disable Cortana on startup
disable Cortana for good
how to disable Cortana Windows 11
how to disable Cortana Windows 11
how to disable cortana popup
how to completely disable Cortana
disable Cortana in Windows 11 Home
disable Cortana in Win 11

Perhaps one of the most important features of Windows 11 is the arrival of Cortana, Microsoft's answer to Apple's Siri and Google Now. Cortana is the "world's first" digital assistant capable of helping users with many tasks. The more he learns about you, the more he understands you and will be able to help you more effectively.

Cortana in Windows 11 never really lived up to its legendary name. Even outside of the office, Cortana has been phased out, with mobile access and the Invoke smart speaker relegated to the tech junkyard.

This tutorial will apply to computers, laptops, desktops and tablets running Windows 11 (Home, Pro, Enterprise, Education) operating system from all supported hardware manufacturers, such as Dell, HP, Acer , Asus, Toshiba, Lenovo and Samsung.

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