How to program a game in C: #1 – Window and pointers

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How to program a game in C: #1 – Window and pointers
How to program a game in C: #1 – Window and pointers
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Have you ever wondered how games are programmed?
In this tutorial series, I will teach you how to create a game in C.
I hope you learn the basics of game programming and be able to create your own games by the end!

This series is beginner-friendly and I will take a step-by-step approach to make sure everyone can follow along. (But basic programming skills are recommended).

In lesson number one (which is the second lesson :P), I explain the first steps to create our game: opening a window on the screen. At the end, we'll be ready to start drawing graphs on it! 🙂

I hope you enjoy the programming in this game too!

Music: /"Das große Jazz Loop Paket/" by Sascha Ende

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