How to reinstall Microsoft Edge browser in Windows 10

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How to reinstall Microsoft Edge browser in Windows 10
How to reinstall Microsoft Edge browser in Windows 10
How to reinstall Microsoft Edge browser in Windows 10

If you have a computer problem with your Edge browser like

* Edge browser does not open when clicking on the icon.
* Edge browser opens and closes instantly
* Edge is missing from the Start menu
* CORTANA does not work out of breath
*It is not listed under Windows Applications
* Edge browser stuck in infinite loop
* Edge browser keeps crashing
*Edge browser keeps crashing or crashing
* Flash Player stopped working in Edge browser
* Keep being redirected to other pages
* Keep receiving a 404 error
* Slow browsing when using Edge browser
* No pages displayed when using Edge browser

What can I do to repair Microsoft Edge browser?

Here is a simple fix to reinstall Microsoft Edge browser with its default settings.

Step 1: Back up your Edge browser bookmarks.

Step 2: Show hidden folders and file drives – Right-click /"Start Button/" and open /"File Explorer/" now. Click the "Show" tab in File Explorer and check "Hidden Items."

Step 3: Navigate to C://Users//Your Username//AppData//Local//Packages//Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe then /"Delete/" folder “Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe”

Step 4: Open Powershell by typing “PowerShell” in Windows Search. Now right-click and run as administrator.
Next, copy and paste this command into the PowerShell prompt box:
Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register /"(_.InstallLocation)//AppXManifest.xml/" -Verbose}

Step 5: Enjoy your newly installed Microsoft Edge browser, all your issues should be resolved.

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