How to remove individual autocomplete suggestions in Firefox browser

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How to remove individual autocomplete suggestions in Firefox browser
How to remove individual autocomplete suggestions in Firefox browser
After you enter text in the address bar, Firefox can remember the term you typed. Whether it's a URL/website address or a search term you entered, the browser will keep it in history and suggest the term to you the next time you start searching. enter the corresponding text in the address bar. In Firefox 68, the method used to delete individual suggestion entries without clearing the browsing history has changed.

In this video you will learn the steps to remove individual autocomplete suggestions in Firefox. Use these steps.

01. Open the Firefox browser.

02. Start typing some text that matches the suggestion you want to remove.

03. Firefox removes individual suggestions
When you see a search term or URL in the address bar that you no longer want to see, select it using the up or down arrow keys on your keyboard and press Shift. Delete Firefox 68 Remove individual suggestions

04. Alternatively, you can use the Shift BackSpace sequence to remove the suggestion.



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