How to remove the Chat button from the Windows 11 taskbar

HomeOther ContentHow to remove the Chat button from the Windows 11 taskbar
How to remove the Chat button from the Windows 11 taskbar
How to remove the Chat button from the Windows 11 taskbar
Believe it or not, this was made as a "meme/" per se.

So why did I do this? I found an article on /"how to disable the chat button/" and, I mean, sure. It's nice that there are resources and all, but writing a full-blown article that goes on and on with unnecessary details about it?… So I mainly did this as a meme.

It would just be the music, zooming in and out, and moving around. Not with voice, on-screen text instructions and subtitles.

So, I guess we could say this is the most /"professional/" thing I've done in a while.

Luther (a friend of mine):
/"other way to delete: /"

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