How to Repair or Reinstall Microsoft Edge on Windows 11/10 [Complete Guide]

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How to Repair or Reinstall Microsoft Edge on Windows 11/10 [Complete Guide]
How to Repair or Reinstall Microsoft Edge on Windows 11/10 [Complete Guide]
How to Repair or Reinstall Microsoft Edge on Windows 11/10 [Complete Guide]

PowerShell command:
Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register /"(_.InstallLocation)//AppXManifest.xml/" -Verbose}

The Microsoft Edge browser is a secure Windows 10 app and is unlikely to be hacked or compromised. However, if Edge is experiencing graphical issues or for any reason you want to reset, repair or reinstall Microsoft Edge Legacy browser with Windows 10 default settings, you can do the following.

No web browser or software is perfect. Like other web browsers, the Microsoft Edge browser has its share of common problems.

Many users are experiencing issues while using Edge on Windows 10. For some users, Edge won't start at all. Some users complain that Edge crashes as soon as it launches. And for a few others, Edge is very slow and sometimes crashes when loading pages.

Issues covered in this tutorial:
repair Microsoft Edge
unable to repair Microsoft Edge
repair Microsoft Edge PowerShell
repair Microsoft Edge Windows 10
how to repair microsoft edge browser
unable to repair Microsoft Edge
unable to repair Microsoft Edge
command to repair Microsoft Edge
repair Microsoft Edge Windows 11
why the edge is not working
Microsoft Edge won't open after repair
how to reset and repair Microsoft Edge
repair Microsoft Edge browser Windows 10
reinstall Microsoft Edge browser in Windows 10
repair Microsoft Edge browser

Microsoft Edge is your new modern web browser on Windows 10 that replaces Internet Explorer, but while it's certainly functional like any other major browser, Edge also has issues.

Windows 10 declared Internet Explorer no longer available and created Microsoft Edge. From my personal experience, Microsoft Edge is a lightweight, super-fast and user-friendly browser. Although it is a system-protected browser to defend against malware or other cyberattacks, unfortunate things happen. If you are experiencing a problem or inappropriate behavior of your Microsoft Edge browser, it is time to reset or repair your browser.

Usually, users complain about Microsoft Edge freezing or crashing, or very slow performance while browsing the Internet, and sometimes it doesn't open at all.

Although Windows 10 included an option to reset apps when they are not working or syncing, users had to resort to complex workarounds to reset and repair Microsoft Edge.

However, starting with the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, Microsoft Edge appears as an installed app in the Settings app, and while you won't be able to uninstall it, the browser now includes two options: one to repair without affecting your data. , and a reset option that will delete all data from your browser and then reset the app.

This tutorial will apply to computers, laptops, desktops and tablets running Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1 and Windows 7 operating systems. Works for all major computer manufacturers (Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba, Lenovo, Samsung and Huawei).

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