How to reset administrator (root) password on MySQL

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How to reset administrator (root) password on MySQL
How to reset administrator (root) password on MySQL
Author: Jérémy Druin
Twitter: @webpwnized
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With access to the MySQL server, the MySQL root (administrator) password can be reset. The MySQL administrative user (aka root) stores its password hash in the mysql.user table (as all MySQL users do). By starting the MySQL server with the ignore grants option and using SQL queries to overwrite the MySQL root/admin password hash, the MySQL root/admin/admin password can be changed to any value .

The MySQL instance shown in the video is installed on Ubuntu Linux but the technique works on any Linux or Windows system because the technique interacts with the MySQL server itself. Windows or Linux operating system is not important.

MySQL Server does not store passwords, but does store password hashes. When the user enters a password, the system hashes the password and then compares the calculated password hash with the password hash stored in the MySQL users table. If the two password hashes match, the system authenticates the user. The root/admin user has more privileges than other users

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