How to reset your battery on any Samsung device

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How to reset your battery on any Samsung device
How to reset your battery on any Samsung device
What is battery calibration?

The Android operating system should track your battery and its charge levels in order to tell you when it is full or empty. The problem is that it sometimes gets corrupted and starts showing data that isn't real, which, for example, causes the phone to turn off before it reaches 0%. This gap in the data may also be due to aging.

All batteries degrade over time and an older battery may no longer hold as much charge as when it was new. However, software running by your phone generally does not take this degradation into account when displaying battery status on screen.

Calibrating your Android battery simply means that the Android operating system corrects this information, so that it reflects your actual battery levels again. It is important to understand that this process does not actually calibrate (or improve) the battery itself. Battery calibration also does not improve your phone's battery life. This will only help the phone display battery statistics accurately.

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