How to Show Hidden Files and Folders on a Mac

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How to Show Hidden Files and Folders on a Mac
How to Show Hidden Files and Folders on a Mac
Apple hides many important files and folders from the backend. Here is an alert for you, please do not play with system hidden files as it may cause your system to crash. For some reason, if you want to see hidden files and folders on a Mac, follow these steps.

How to take a screenshot on your Mac. :

1. Open Spotlight Search on your Mac.
2. Type Terminal in the search bar, and in the search result, double-click the Terminal app to open it.
3. We are going to hide a personal folder on Mac. To do this, in Terminal, type the command chflags space hidden space and drag the folder into Terminal that we want to hide. This will show you the folder path.
4. Press the Return key on the keyboard, which will hide your selected folder.
5. If you want to see your hidden folder, open Spotlight again and enter the folder name. You will find your file in the search results, you can access the file here.
6. If you want to see hidden files and folders on your Mac, click the File menu at the top left and click New Finder Window again from the list.
7. In the Finder window, click on the Mac username on the left side.
8. Go back to terminal and type this command in terminal defaults write .
9. Press the Return key on your keyboard.
10. Nothing happened? Don't worry if you are unable to see hidden files, we need to take one more step.
11. Press the Option key on your keyboard, then right-click the Finder icon at the bottom.
12. Click Relaunch from the list.
13. Now you can see all hidden files and folders on your Mac.
14. To hide all hidden files and folders again, simply type the following command in the terminal default settings, write
15. Press the Return key on your keyboard.
16. Press the Option key on your keyboard, then right-click the Finder icon at the bottom.
17. Click Relaunch from the list.
18. To view the personal test folder, type the following command in the terminal chflagsnohidden /Users/apple/Desktop/Test//Folder and press Return on your keyboard.
You see, our home folder has been Show.

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