How to shut down computer after 1 hour or after a certain time – Windows 11 and 10 (shutdown timer)

HomeOther ContentHow to shut down computer after 1 hour or after a certain time – Windows 11 and 10 (shutdown timer)
How to shut down computer after 1 hour or after a certain time - Windows 11 and 10 (shutdown timer)
How to shut down computer after 1 hour or after a certain amount of time – Windows 11 and 10 (shutdown timer)
You can turn off your computer after an hour or after a specific time using the timer function. Right-click on the Windows Start button – Terminal Administrator. Type the following command and press Enter.

stop -s -t 3600

There is a space between the four codes (stop, -s, -t, 3600).

-s means stop. The /"shutdown/" command at the beginning comes with several other options. -s is one of them.

-t means timeout. Here you can specify the shutdown time in seconds.

3600 means 3600 seconds, which is equal to 60 minutes. One hour.

If you want to change the shutdown timer, you need to cancel the shutdown timer and add the new shutdown timer.

To cancel the shutdown timer, simply type the following command.

stop -a

There is a space between shutdown and -a.
-a means abandon!

I hope this helps you! Thanks for watching Iviewgle 🙂

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