How to sort and filter data in Excel 2016

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How to sort and filter data in Excel 2016
How to sort and filter data in Excel 2016
View the full course at Sorting information in Excel 2016 is as easy as clicking a cell. Learn to sort from A to Z or from smallest to largest number. Reversing the order is just as easy. Custom sorting provides a sort hierarchy to allow you to sort multiple categories at the same time.

Course lessons

To welcome

New features and navigation
New features for 2016
Use and customize the Quick Access Toolbar
Explore behind the scenes
Working with the ribbon
Working with KeyTips
Use the status bar
Use the formula bar
Using context menus and the mini toolbar
Using Excel Help
Getting started with Excel
Creating new folders
Cell selection
Entering text, numbers and dates
Editing data, part 1
Editing data, part 2
Enter data with AutoFill
Search and replace data
Using Undo and Redo
Add comments
Saving workbooks
Formatting and editing spreadsheets
Font styles and effects
Text alignment and wrapping
Design borders and backgrounds
Formatting numbers and dates
Working with dates and times
Format painter
Use conditional formatting
Adjusting rows and columns
Insert, delete and adjust cells
Hide and show rows and columns
Inserting and deleting spreadsheets
Copying and moving spreadsheets
Customizing Sheet Tabs
Hide and show spreadsheets
Basic formulas and functions
What are formulas and functions?
Creating basic formulas
Copy a formula to adjacent cells
Relative, absolute and mixed references
Calculate year-to-date totals
Creating a Percentage Change Formula
Using functions
Other common functions.
Using the Insert Function tool.
Basic functionality of tables
Sort and filter data, part 1
Sort and filter data, part 2
Creating and using tables
Adding charts and graphs
Create a chart
Improve a chart
Editing chart data
Changing chart types
Inserting shapes and other features
Working with chart elements
Formatting graphics
Insert images
Creating Charts in Cells with Sparklines
Styles, themes and views
Apply styles and themes
Create and use templates
Freezing and thawing windows
Split screens horizontally and vertically
Collapse and expand data views with plan
Finalize, print and save
Use verification and research tools
Explore the Layout and View tabs
Working with layout and layout
Changing display options
Previewing and editing page breaks
Adding headers and footers
Previewing and printing the spreadsheet
Organizing Multiple Binders
Adding hyperlinks
Saving workbooks in different formats
Email a workbook
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