How to Stop Users from Uninstalling Apps from the Windows 10 Start Menu

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How to Stop Users from Uninstalling Apps from the Windows 10 Start Menu
How to Stop Users from Uninstalling Apps from the Windows 10 Start Menu
How to prevent users from uninstalling apps from the Windows 10 Start menu.

Issues covered in this tutorial:
prevent Windows 10 from uninstalling
app lock prevents uninstallation
how to prevent apps from being uninstalled
how to prevent app uninstallation

Uninstalling apps from Windows 10/8 involves a simple procedure. All the user has to do is go to the “star” and right-click on an application. An action bar appears from the bottom of the screen, allowing you to uninstall the app quite easily. Although it is simple and anyone can do it, can you imagine the problems it could cause you? Anyone can delete your favorite apps without your consent. It is therefore always better to eliminate these risks rather than minimize them. And the ultimate solution that comes to my mind is to prevent a user from being able to uninstall UWP apps on Windows 10/8.

Windows 10 includes an improved Start menu that combines the best of the classic Windows 7 menu with elements of the Windows 8.1 Start screen. Additionally, it features a new number of improvements, including the ability to uninstall apps without the need to open Settings.

Although removing applications with a simple right-click can be convenient, if you share your computer with others, using your own account or a guest account, you may not want others to easily uninstall or accidentally apps from the Start menu. In these cases, you can use the Local Group Policy Editor or Registry to prevent this from happening in Windows 10.

This tutorial will apply to computers, laptops, desktops and tablets running Windows 10 operating system (Home, Pro, Business, Education) from all supported hardware manufacturers, such as Dell, HP, Acer , Asus, Toshiba, Lenovo and Samsung.

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