How to turn off Windows laptop screen in one click using ScreenOff

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How to turn off Windows laptop screen in one click using ScreenOff
How to turn off Windows laptop screen in one click using ScreenOff
Desktop users can turn off their screens with the provided button. But if you're using a Windows laptop, it's not possible for you to manually turn off the laptop's screen – unless of course its manufacturer has provided you with an Fn keyboard shortcut. Of course, Windows Power Options allows you to configure plan settings so that you can turn off the screen after a certain amount of time. But what if you just need to manually turn off your laptop screen immediately, without locking the laptop or putting it to sleep?

ScreenOff is the first free 13 KB software that allows you to turn off your Windows laptop screen in one click, without putting it to sleep. This tool does not use batch commands. It uses a Visual Basic SendMessage command to send the system the command to turn off the screen. Additionally, it is a portable tool that does not require installation. It also doesn't ask you to download and install a specific version of .NET Framework.

Time codes:
0:00 Introduction
0:29 Screen off

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